Monday, June 29, 2009

Let's go fly a kite

Yesterday was the perfect windy day to finally fly Evan's owl kite. He loved it!

Chuck E. Cheese

Grandma J (Ben's mom) brought me and all her grandkids out for pizza and games. It took Evan a while to want to play some games. Eventually he especially enjoyed playing air hockey. Thanks for the great day with the family, Miss Jenean!

pOoL TiMe

We had to get a new pool this year because our other one broke. This whale even sprays water! It felt great when it was 90 degrees! However, Evan refused to actually sit in the pool. He just stood and played the entire time. Strange....I know.

Father's Day 2009

We all enjoyed a potluck lunch at our house to celebrate all the dads. It was excellent! So are the dads!!!!!

Evan's 3rd Birthday Party with friends

Unlike the usual rainy weather we get whenever we have a party, Evan's day was hot and sunny! The kids made a personalized craft, we ate Italian food, and chocolate cake and ice cream. It was nice to be able to 'play' outside for his party....finally! Thank you to everyone who came. Evan loves all the gifts!


Here is the usual gang with twins Jack and Will from Iowa. Evan hates posing for pictures for some reason.

Katie dances

In the beginning of June, we went to see cousin Katlyn's dance production. It was great! Evan sat for over three hours watching all the talented dancers! (Katie is the one in the back center of the photo.)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Braden: 2 months old

I took the boys to the doctor yesterday for their well checks. Braden is a little chunker! He's 11 pounds, 14 ounces. That's about 2 1/2 pounds heavier than Evan when he was 2 months old. This boy likes to eat!! Braden is definitely making eye contact with us now and even smiles at us! What chubby cheeks!! :)
I take one of these photos every month for the first 2 years of their lives. I did it for Evan too. It's really neat to look at how they grow so fast.

May 29th Birthdays

We went to Space Aliens for my mom's and Evan's birthdays. This alien freaked Evan out. I don't blame him.

Our family!

Evan loved playing the games!

Evan turned 3, and my mom turned 55! I think she's the youngest looking 55 year old that I've ever seen!

Braden and I surprised my mom at school on her birthday.