Thursday, February 10, 2011

September 2010

For Ben's 32nd birthday, we went to the Twins game--just him and I--at the new stadium. What a great experience!

"Happy Birthday to Daddy"
The Kruger family camped out in our backyard during one weekend. Evan thought it was great to sleep in their nice camper!

Here is Evan on rollerblades for the first time!
This is Braden with his second cousin, James. They are three days apart in age.
It seems as though my baby has grown up much faster than Evan did. Braden wants to do everything his big brother does.
This is Ben's dad, Brad. I had to post this picture for all my family members who check our blog. Mr. Brad looks just like my grandfather, John Gerger--especially when he is wearing these coveralls. Of course, my grandpa wore coveralls too.

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